Our vision
To be the leading fire suppression system inspection company offering the most innovate and advanced technology, worldwide.
Our Mission
To provide the most cost-effective and efficient solutions for managing fire suppression systems, while furthering innovative initiatives in the industry to protect lives and property.
Our values
Honesty, Humility, Service and Innovation are the core values that we hold in the highest esteem within our company, and they are the promises we make to our clients.
Our Story

David Martinez
“We are grateful for our past and eager for our future.”
Sonic Inspection is a Non-Invasive Fire Suppression Inspection Company that began its journey in 2004. Our goal was to bring an advanced technology into the fire suppression industry. Many aspects of the fire suppression industry were being improved through technological advancements, but the fire sprinkler pipe inspection solutions remained unchanged.
For years the industry has relied on invasive and time consuming techniques to inspect and assess the internal condition of fire sprinkler pipe. Conventional methods of fire sprinkler pipe inspection required shutting the entire fire suppression system down, draining part or all of the system, physically cutting open the pipe in multiple locations, visually inspecting the pipe, and finally sealing or closing the pipe system in multiple locations. This invasive technique often caused disruption to business operations and system down time that resulted in additional cost to the business customer.
Advancements in scanning technologies have found applications in the fire suppression industry and resulted in the introduction of new and innovative techniques for inspecting and assessing the internal condition of fire sprinkler pipe. These new proprietary ultrasonic scanning methods have forever changed the way fire sprinkler pipe systems will be inspected and assessed. The conventional methods of invasive open-system inspection have become outdated and are being replaced with the efficient, affordable and precise methods of non-invasive ultrasonic scanning of fire sprinkler pipe systems.
Change is always met with resistance in any industry, but innovation that offers technologically advanced accuracy, efficiencies and cost savings will, over time, be embraced. Our goal was, and still is, to share this new technology with every end user of fire suppression systems — we knew it would revolutionize the industry.
Today, obscurity has manifested into notoriety. Approved and published in NFPA-25, Sonic Inspection offers solutions that are unmatched in the industry.
Our client base includes facilities within DOD, DOE, Public School Districts, Semi-Conductor companies, Data Centers, Universities, Hospitals, as well as Buildings and Warehouses across a variety of markets and industries. There is no fire suppression system too small or too large for our technology.
In 2004, we started with only a dream. A dream to provide advanced solutions to an industry void of advanced fire sprinkler pipe inspection solutions. Today, we have become internationally recognized for maximizing the in-service life of fire suppression systems and preventing unwarranted system replacement. By offering industry leading non-invasive fire suppression system inspection solutions, we save businesses thousands of dollars in capital assets, while allowing them to maintain uninterrupted productivity.
We are grateful for our past and eager for our future. Thank you to all, who have supported us, then and now, in our ongoing efforts to save lives and property through innovation.

David Martinez
President / CEO
“I entered into this industry knowing I could make a dramatic difference on behalf of the customer and the industry, as a whole. The technology I possessed did not exist and I knew the industry was doing the best it could at the time for inspection services; opening the fire sprinkler pipe and giving the customer a subjective analysis was the only option in the industry for customers. The industry, with the help of NFPA.org, was delivering the best professional Fire Life Safety Service available and doing an excellent job at it based on the technology available, but like everything else there is always room for advancement.
Time and time again, I heard of clogged fire sprinkler piping, pinhole leaks, wall thinning, and other deficiencies. My mission was to deliver the best advanced non-invasive inspection service available to this industry and work for any building owner, fire contractor, property management company, or any other entity that wanted a solution for their fire sprinkler infrastructure. The industry welcomed me quickly.
I am thankful for the support Sonic inspection has received from the NFPA.org, our customers, our partners, our website visitors, and the entire Fire Protection Industry. We have serviced hundreds of clients, collected thousands of test points, and have saved customers thousands (if not millions) of dollars in capital infrastructure and operational downtime. Additionally, the landfills are not saturated with extracted pipe that should have been left in service. Sonic Inspection will continue offering unmatched inspection services for End Users, Contractors, and building owners, and it will do whatever it takes to assist our customers in managing their fire sprinkler capital assets.”
“Our passion is to deliver the most advanced non-invasive sprinkler pipe inspection service available to the fire suppression industry.”